Just in time for Inflyte’s 6th birthday, the Inflyte Promo Dashboard has a brand new look. The new dashboard which has been completely redesigned from the ground up, is the first phase in a series of product updates in development that have been planned off the back of over 10’000 responses to the 2018 Inflyte User Survey. The new technologies deployed in this update, pave the way for some hugely exciting new features planned over the next 12 months.

Why Change?
Following an analysis of Inflyte’s high profile ‘AAA DJs’ we discovered that many of them had over 1000 promos on their promo dashboards, alongside hundreds of label subscriptions. The team set about exploring new ways to develop the user experience for DJs, while also developing new and improved ways to surface promos, provide greater visibility for key information on label campaigns and drive engagement through increased reactions and feedback.
What’s different?
We have redesigned the experience, letting users quickly navigate, search and filter promos from within a super responsive promo management system, that works equally as well on mobile as on desktop, while retaining as much of the original Inflyte user experience as possible. Among the new features.
Card Based Promo List
Promo Summary cards show glanceable sender details release date, track counts, formats, summary, and rating.

Persistent Paging
Page through your promos, view and rate, then seamlessly return to where you were in the list.
Realtime Search Filter
Type a few letters of any sender label name, promo name or artist and your promos are instantly filtered.
Bookmark Your Promos
Apply a bookmark to any promos, then review all your bookmarked promos in sequence by choosing Bookmarked from the filter options.
Top Senders Filter
Want to jump to promos for your most popular senders> Select form the dropdown and promos are filtered to that sender.
Persistent Player
Audio player continues playing while navigating and filtering your promos. Click the playing track title to jump back to that promo at any time.
Cleaner Promo View
Artwork, tracks, press releases and all the info you need.
New fully responsive mobile interface
Mobile and desktop now operate with identical functionality.

The Workflow?
We’ve retained as much of the original workflow as technically possible, with speed and efficiency still being core to the user experience. Your promos will load faster, play faster and provide a uniform experience whether on desktop or mobile. You can still scroll, browse, filter, open single tabs and of course use the familiar keyboard shortcuts so many of you love using alongside your Dropbox and Rekordbox integrations.
New Hotkeys/Shortcuts Added
We’ve added some new hotkey configurations, which when used with Dropbox or Rekordbox integration make the promo process even faster than ever before.
N = Next Promo
P = Previous Promo
Arrow Keys < or > = skip tracks in promo
Greater than/Less Than Keys: < 0r > = skip back or forward 10 seconds in track
Spacebar = pause audio player
Future Updates?
The brand new promo dashboard is now live. Being a brand new product, there will inevitably be minor bugs and tweaks that will be ironed out along the way and we’ll be making tweaks and refinements over the coming days and weeks, so your feedback is super important and always greatly received here at Inflyte HQ.