Interview: Aleksander Kostopoulos

Norwegian music producer, live artist, and visual designer Aleksander Kostopoulos takes a major leap as a musician next month, as he prepares for the release of his latest studio album – ‘Klangre’.

The 8-track record comes out around mid-February on Beatservice Records, and offers a well-produced mix of melodic electronic sounds and classical instruments.

We spoke to Aleksander to ask him all about the release of his new album, what else he might have coming out in 2025, and more. Read the full interview below.

How has 2025 been for you so far in Norway?

2025 has been kind to me these first days and weeks. I’ve been performing my audiovisual show ‘FolaNero’, for children at schools in Stavanger and across the west coast of Norway. It’s been a rewarding experience to connect with young audiences and witness how the new generation responds to my music and storytelling.

And did 2024 meet your expectations as an artist?

I began 2024 with a creative resolution: to make as much music as possible without overthinking or being overly self-critical. This mindset led to the creation of my ‘BaNi’ EP, as well as opportunities to compose music for a dance performance and a silent film. Despite having released hours of music over the years, I still feel like a beginner in many ways, still learning, and striving to find my unique voice. I feel like this is a good place to be and I’m grateful to still find so much joy in making music.

You’re about to release your new ‘Klangre’ LP on Beatservice Records – what can people expect to hear from the project?

A few years ago, I read a research report about my hometown of Bodø, in Northern Norway, which revealed that due to global warming, the city has lost 60 days of winter over the past 30 years. It was unsettling to read, and it inspired me to create ‘Klangre’ as a tribute to winter. To me, winter is melancholic, beautiful, and calming. I believe that sense of reflection can be felt through my music.

Have you put together any visual elements to accompany the album release?

Yes, for the album release, I’ll be hosting two unique audiovisual headphone concerts in my hometown of Bodø. Together with my team, I’m working to create visual elements and lighting that capture the mood of the music. I’ve never done headphone concerts like this before, and I’m excited to bring this experience to life. Each concert is limited to just 30 attendees, making it an intimate and special experience.

What else can we maybe expect to hear from you in the near future?

In August, I’ll premiere my latest work, ‘Fango’, where I compose music for myself and the string players of Ensemble Noor, a quartet from Northern Norway. ‘Fango’ is about hope — about staying grounded amid uncertainty. The premiere will take place at the Varanger Festival in Vadsø, followed by a tour in September. This will be the first time I perform live with a string ensemble, making it an exciting experience both for me, and hopefully for the audience as well.

What are some of your goals for 2025 as a creative?

I continue to follow the goals I’ve set in previous years: to create as much music as possible without overthinking or being overly self-critical. For me it’s a gift to be able to make music, and I try to care as little as possible about what others may or may not think of it. And, hopefully, it will find its way to those who can appreciate it.

And how about your personal goals?

I don’t really have personal goals outside of my artistic work. However, I do focus a lot on being present in the moment, both for myself and for my family. Earlier in my career, I often felt overwhelmed by the creative demands of making music, performing, traveling, and everything else that comes with it. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am to live in peace these days, and my family plays a key role in helping me stay grounded and balanced.

Is there anything else you want to add before we go?

Thanks for having me. I hope that we can all be kind to one another.

Aleksander Kostopoulos – Klangre LP is out February 14th on Beatservice Records.