Interview: Leo Leonski

Emerging Swiss artist Leo Leonski has released music with labels like Tierra Sounds, Medina Records, and his own imprint, Night Heat Records.

His latest studio effort finds him upon his return to the latter mentioned label, for the release of his new ‘Canto Da Sereia’ EP – which lands next month.

We spoke to him about the new release, what else we might hear on Night Heat soon, and how 2024 is going for him so far. Read the full interview below.

How is life for Leo Leonski right now?

Good, very good. A lot of traveling and new people in my life, but to be honest a lot of beautiful memories have been made in the last few months. And you know, summers in Europe are always like home.

You’re about to return to Night Heat Records for the release of your newest EP ‘Canto Da Sereia’ – talk us through the release in your own words?

I had this track done a while ago, but something was missing. Some female vocals. The whole idea was to make it more powerful with a voice and add some Latin vibe to the drums and melodic techno kind of beat.

I met up with my friend Bruna from Sao Paulo, wrote some lyrics, edited it with her and we recorded this whole thing in one go, one afternoon at a home studio. It really was a match, those vocals on this beat. In the end I mixed and mastered it myself, did some design to create an artwork that reflects the vibe of the song. Feels really good to be honest, to get a whole project done like this.

And who else might we see releasing with Night Heat in the coming months?

There will be some new fellas coming up. I actually try to focus a bit to give artists and musicians a chance that haven’t released anything on their own yet.

Your own music has come on labels like Tierra Sounds and Medina Records in the past, which other imprints are you hoping to add to that list?

Oh, I’d love to get something out on Diynamics. I really like what they’re releasing lately.

How is 2024 matching up to your expectations so far?

Pretty good, mostly because I had the chance to play new venues and new cities that I haven’t been to before, that’s always amazing.

What’s one thing you done this year that really caught you by surprise?

That I actually took time off at “home”, to sit down and focus and produce new music in the studio. This is such a thing you can get lost in, when you just travel around a lot. I really missed it.

And something you hope to do before January comes?

A little tour in Asia would be lovely! I haven’t been in a while.

Anything else to add?

Ain’t no rest for the wicked.

Leo Leonski – Canto Da Sereia EP is out September 12th on Night Heat Records.