Interview: Just Jake

English deep and tech house producer Just Jake has been in excellent form over the past few years, putting his club-primed productions out on top labels like MUSE and blanc.

His own self-released ‘Just Files’ series also seen its inception in August of last year, and he’s currently chipping away at preparing the next instalment in the series.

We spoke to him recently to talk about what he’s been getting up to so far in 2024, what he has coming soon in terms of new music and gigs, and more. Read the full interview with Just Jake below.

How has 2024 been going for you so far Jake?

In truth, pretty mixed so far. I was on top of the world in January after an amazing Christmas and New Year period and getting engaged in the incredible New York City!

Then in February I had a nasty back injury which left me pretty static until May! I had to cancel a bunch of bookings and move things around, so it’s been much quieter on the DJ front so far. But at the same time – that means I’ve had lots of time to make new music, spend lots of time with my family & friends, improve other areas of my life, and I’m now sat on a good batch of unreleased music with a relatively healed back. Thankfully.

Last August you self-released the first volume of your ‘Just Files’ EP series, when can we expect to hear volume 02?

SOON! I’ve actually been talking with my manager about this lately, hoping to release a solid two track EP within the next couple of months. Both tracks have gathered lots of support at the end of 2023 and into 2024, so I’m excited to get them out to the people.

And your music has also come on MUSE, Material, and blanc in the past, which other labels might you be working with in the coming months?

I’ve been having some back & forth conversations with a few different labels at the moment, all labels that I aspire to be releasing with – there’s nothing concrete just yet but it’s heading that way! Also, a main focus of mine is the ‘Just Files’ series, to self-release records that don’t fit to a labels sound and to have no limits in the studio creativity is a great feeling, knowing whatever I create and love is always going to have a home.

You’ve seen support from names like Danny Howard, Richy Ahmed, and Detlef too – we imagine that must be quite motivating when top selectors are pushing your music?

Definitely! It’s an unbelievable feeling to see and hear your music being played by other artists, especially from those who have many accolades and years in the scene.

One of my highlights was waking up to see Cloonee had played one of my unreleased at Tomorrowland 2023, the record is called ‘BOUNCE’ and should see the light of day this year. Anyway, an hour or two after I saw the clip online, Danny Howard messaged me asking for the track! He had been at Tomorrowland, heard the record live and asked Cloonee what it was – Danny then went onto play the track across multiple shows at his Amnesia, Ibiza residency that summer! What a mint few months.

Do you have any gigs coming up that you’re excited about?

I do! I’m excited for all of them, none of which I can announce just yet, but I’ve got a handful confirmed and another few being finalised at the moment! Watch this space guys.

What’s been one tune you can’t turn off at the moment?

You know what, I’ve been listening to some really varied music at the moment, outside of the studio. Amy Winehouse’s ‘Frank’ album from the early 2000’s, ‘Stronger Than Me’ is my favourite from the album, a jazz backing with her incredible vocals, insane! Another record I literally cannot stop listening to is ‘Move’ by Adam Port, Stryv, and Malachiii, that is one hell of a summer tune, can’t help but play it on repeat!

Anything else to add before we go?

To the readers… Keep an eye out for lots of new music, expect lots of groovy, unorthodox records and I hope to see you all on the dance floor soon! Lastly, a big thank you to Inflyte for a great interview! Big love guys.

Just Jake – Just Files: Volume 001 is available here.