Inflyte Radar: Cali Lanauze

Hailing from the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, it didn’t take Cali Lanauze long to become one of the most exciting club DJs emerging from his home country.

Amongst his recent releases he’s made contribution to imprints like Visionquest, SATYA, and Rebellion, and also runs a record label of his own called Opulence.

We spoke to him for our latest on Inflyte Radar, where we got to ask him about his approach to signing music, and what else he has coming in 2024, and more. Read the full interview below.

How are things in the life of Cali Lanauze?

Hey guys, thanks for having me. All good here, working on a lot of music at the moment, which will be released throughout the year and so on. I’ve been confirming some nice summer gigs too, including a show at Hï Ibiza with Damian Lazarus on August 24th, which I’m very excited about!

You’ve released on labels like Rebellion and Visionquest, what’s your typical process in trying to sign new music?

I just send the music to who I feel has the same vision, sounds, and vibes I’m looking for I guess, and hope they dig it. I’ve been lucky that a lot of the labels who inspire me seem to have that mutual affinity for my stuff too.

And which labels might we see you on in the near future?

I have a few big surprises coming up this year that I still can’t share, but I’m always grateful for those opening their doors to me and giving me a platform to share my music.

How about Opulence? Who can we expect on there?

It’s a little in hibernation mode at the moment, but I’m planning to revive it this year if everything goes accordingly. I’ve just kind of been focused on my own artist project, and of course running a label, especially a vinyl label, can take up a lot your time.

Who’s your dream collaboration?

That’s a good question as I feel my music pallet is very varied. But maybe someone from Julio Bashmore to Dennis Ferrer would be an exciting one for me for sure.

What are you most excited about for this summer?

I would have to say right now probably making my Ibiza debut at the Hï Ibiza show I mentioned earlier. That’s a massive life goal for me ticked off, 100% in one of the best clubs in the world.

Anything else you want to mention before we go?

Just thanks so much for the invite for the interview, and I’m looking forward to seeing as many of my fans over the course of my summer shows.

Buy tickets for Cali Lanauze @ Hï Ibiza on August 24th