Interview: Mattia Saviolo

Years of hard work is finally starting to come to fruition for Berlin-based Italian producer Mattia Saviolo, with his recent works coming via labels like Kraftek, and his latest welcoming his debut for UMEK’s 1605 imprint.

We got the chance to ask Mattia about the new EP, why it was split into two separate releases, his thoughts on the Italian techno scene and which homegrown talents he thinks are set for big things.

Hey Mattia, how are things? We hope you’re keeping well, considering the current state of the world right now?

Hi guys, and thanks for having me for this interview. Everything is fine here in Berlin, but I was super worried for my family because they are all based in the north of Italy. It was a bit hard while I was feeling the distance and worrying about them, but everything is settling down there now, and they are all safe. So for me, it is all good again!

You just released a 2-part EP with UMEK and 1605, tell us about the tracks? And why two separate releases?

I got in touch with Umek when he wrote me to say he was interested in listening to some of my demos. After I sent him some music, he selected 4 tracks: Lifelink, Dispel, Linear Mechanism and Until The End.

It took me almost a year to make and finalize them so they were perfect for 1605, so because of my efforts in making them perfect we agreed to split the release into 2 parts.

This was mainly because UMEK felt like they were four A-side tracks, and he thought it could be a waste to put them all on the same EP. I was super excited, and so proud to hear this from a legend like UMEK.

Among your past work you’ve also released with Tronic and Kraftek, what other labels would you love to include in your future catalogue?

Well talking about Labels, I’m super proud to work with 1605 and Kraftek, as they are both super selective, and they only want to release massive tracks. One of my goals is to also release on Drumcode, as I have maximum respect for Adam and what he has created with his label.

I respect a lot of other labels, as I’m also a DJ and not just a producer. I listen to other genres and not just techno. I like electronic music in general, so it would also be my dream to release on Warp Records or R&S, as they have been so influential that I’d love to be a part of their legacy.

And on that topic, can you tell us which labels we can expect to see you on in the near future?

Ok, I cannot say too much, but I’m dealing with a label right now that might hopefully sign something, but I cannot say more details, other than that, I’m extremely excited.

You’re of course Italian, a country renowned for its production of techno artists, what do you think makes the Italian techno scene so strong?

Well I would say that we have strong and solid roots thanks to the Napoli techno from the past. People like Gaetano Parisio and Rino Cerrone are such legendary old school pioneers, Marco Carola as well. Techno is definitely in our blood, and we take pride in it being a part of our music culture.

And besides yourself, which names would you consider the future of the country’s club scene?

I am currently based in Berlin, but still have many good friends and deep roots in the Italian club scene. Artists that I’m into from back home include Alex Lentini, Stomp Boxx, Antonio D’africa, Sall, Nico Cabeza, Marc Bertrand, Giordano and many others. I cannot mention all of them without needing a full page to answer, but I also love the work of Anthony Castaldo and Luca Gaeta.

Lastly, what is your favourite EP or album, from 2020 so far?

That is too easy man, Until The End Part 1 and 2 by this guy called Mattia Saviolo, don’t know if you have heard of him? haha. If I were to give a more serious answer, I really love the recent album by Wehbba on Drumcode, it is a really solid collection of work, and all the tracks are amazing!

Mattia Saviolo’s Until The End Pt.1 and Pt.2 are out now on 1605 Music.