Melody's Enemy discuss new EP on Of Unsound Mind

UK duo Melody’s Enemy make their much awaited return to Skream’s own Of Unsound Mind imprint, this time the pair put up Sleep Is The Enemy, a four track techno cut which gets straight to the point.

We reached out to London based artists to have a chat about their new offering, how the release came to be and what they have coming up.

Hello guys, hope things are going good at the moment?

All great here thanks, in full swing for the summer and trying to crank out as much new music as possible. Now that the World Cup is out of the way hopefully there’ll be a few less distractions.

It seems you’ve been busy when it comes to being in the studio, are you looking forward to Sleep Is The Enemy coming out on July 27th?

Definitely! We made the tunes at the end of last year and Skream jumped on them and started hammering them out immediately. Since then it’s been good getting those messages through like “tune’s are going off”. The reception we’ve got when playing them on radio too has been great, so we can’t wait for the wider scene to get their hands on them.

It’s coming on Skream’s Of Unsound Mind imprint, a label you’ve released with before, how has your relationship with the label grown with each EP?

Oli’s a good guy, always positive and very much into what we do. After the ‘Dead 2nite’ EP came out it was evident that the people that follow him and the label also seem to like our sound so we were keen to follow it up with something. We sent Oli all 4 tracks expecting him to take 1 or 2 and he came back straight away wanting them all!

And how did the EP come together, did one track come first and the rest followed?

We tend to work on batches of tunes so we’re not working on a single tune for too long. That helps to keep things fresh and keep the interest there. These all came together over a 3-month period late last year. I think the last one to be finished was ‘Greed’ which actually started life as another tune but had different drums and didn’t quite work. We took the good parts and treated it like a remix, recorded new vocals to give it some identity and it slotted seamlessly onto the EP.

In the past your music has been remixed by Tiga and Dense & Pika, maybe you can convince Skream to drop an edit for you guys?

Skream is a hard man to pin down as he’s so busy. We did get in the studio with him last week to work on a collaboration (which is already sounding great!) so I guess it’s not out of the question. It’s always strange and interesting having your stuff remixed and seeing how people interpret your sounds and take them in different directions. Our remix of Eli Brown’s ‘Tech This Out’ seems to be doing some damage at the moment so it’s something we’d like to do more of too.

And what else do you have in the pipeline when it comes to gigs?

We’re in discussions about hooking up our London residency so watch this space.

Melody’s Enemy – Sleep Is The Enemy is out July 27th on Of Unsound Mind, pre-order it here.